Policies of the Informatics and Statistics Science Collaboration

This page hosts all of the official and up-to-date policies of the ISSC.

A note on the ISSC Charter and transition period

The ISSC Charter was ratified on July 17, 2023.

We will have a 6-month transition period to properly implement the new governance structure described in our Charter. Here we note a few deviations from the Charter during this transition period. This note is effective until January 1, 2024.

Membership Tiers: The Charter describes two membership tiers: Associate Member, and Full Member. We will continue to operate with one membership tier, although applications for Full membership will open during this transition period. Importantly, all members will have equal votes during all elections in the transition period.

Committee Roles: Until the Membership, Publication and Ethics Committees are formed and respective Chairs are appointed, the ISSC co-Chairs will be responsible for the roles of these committees. This includes, but is not limited to:

Executive Council: Until the Executive Council is elected, the ISSC co-Chairs will be responsible for all roles of the Council, including but not limited to: