Collaboration Organization
This page presents the overall organization of the LSST Informatics and Statistics Science Collaboration (ISSC) and lists all current roles and responsibilities.
ISSC Leadership Team
The ISSC is led by two co-Chairs and an Executice Council who are responsible for managing all scientific and organizational aspects of the Collaboration. The ISSC co-Chairs also act as points of contact for Rubin Community partners (Project, Data Management, other Science Collaborations, LSST Discovery Alliance, etc.), and serve as public spokespeople for the Collaboration.
The ISSC co-Chairs can be contacted at:
ISSC co-Chairs:
- Francois Lanusse (CNRS)
- Ashley Villar (Harvard)
ISSC chairs emerita: Tom Loredo (2015-2023), Chad Schafer (2015-2022), Kirk Borne (2009-2015).
ISSC Executive Council:
- Melissa DeLucchi
- Alex Gagliano
- Matthew Graham
- Francois Lanusse (ex-officio)
- Alex Malz
- Ashish Mahabal
- Ashley Villar (ex-officio)
Ethics Committee:
- Eric Aubourg
- Reinaldo Roberto Rosa
- Lior Shamir (chair)
- Yuanyuan Zhang
Publication Committee:
- Mariano Dominguez
- Hermine Landt (chair)
- Alex Malz
- Josh Speagle
Membership Committee:
- Tatiana Acero-Cuellar
- Alex Gagliano
- Bryce Kalmbach (chair)
- Konstantin Malanchev
External Liaisons and Representatives
ISSC representatives in external committees:
- LSSTC Science Collaborations Advisory Committee: Ashley Villar (Harvard)
- LSST Contribution Evaluation Committee: Matthew J. Graham (Caltech), Chad Schafer (alternate, CMU)
- LSST Science Collaboration Federation DEI Committee: Lior Shamir (K-State)
ISSC liaisons:
- LSST Survey Cadence Optimization Committee: Federica Bianco (University of Delaware)
- Rubin Data Management: Leanne Guy (Rubin)